Monday, January 21, 2013

Dear is a quick peek at what is coming up in our classrooms this week.  Please notice that Mrs. Hamilton and I are out on Tuesday for a Professional development workshop.  Also, if anyone can send in a box of Cheeze-its for a Thursday math activity that would be great!  Hope everyone had a great weekend and see you on Wednesday!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Back in the swing of things...

Good Morning...we had a great first week back as we all got back into our school routine. This week brings us another benchmark as well as some other fun and challenging activities/concepts.  Here is a look at the week ahead...I hope everyone has a great week!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Welcome Back and Happy New Year 2013

Good Morning Everyone...I hope you all had a terrific Holiday break and were able to spend some time with family and friends as well as get some well deserved rest!.  As we start back up, January is going to be a fun-filled and fast paced buckle and take a look as what's ahead this week!